Friday, October 15, 2010

Day 87

Noah has spent the last 2 nights away from home. All of the 5th graders go on a 2 night "outdoor learning experience" aka camping trip. Noah was a little bit nervous to go without his parents as he is still getting to know people and make friends. But with a little encouragement, he went and was so glad he did! He had a great time and could not stop talking about his adventures. He was definitly missed around here and as Grace kept saying "it seem so weird without Noah." He definitly brings fun and entertainment to this house! Jake missed his wrestling buddy and so did I!


Melanie Rae Gibson said...

He's getting so old. I love the pictures.

OggieDoggie said...

I kept thinking that Noah was on that camping trip in the rain, so I was so happy to hear that he had such a good time. Yea, Noah!

Whitney said...

cute pictures! that sounds fun... :)