Friday, August 22, 2008

Feeling Patriotic

Cheetos and a comfy chair...what more do you need?

Jake's view from the stroller.

The amazing Thunderbirds! By far the best part of the show.

Lucy's response to the Thunderbirds!

Last weekend we were able to go to the air show and it was amazing! As we watched the planes and listened to the inspiring music I was feeling very proud to be a part of the Air Force. I will admit that when we first joined the Air Force I was a little apprehensive about it. My plan was to stick it out for our time committment and then get out! But I have found my feelings have changed about this job and I am so proud to call our family a "military family."


The Toronto Family said...

It's sooo crazy how that happens!!!! Us too!! do the commitment, and get out! but it changes you! and although there are thinks I don't like, I believe it what we do to support our country, and I'm so happy to be a part of it, and yes as you said.. proud to be a military family.

The Toronto Family said...

oh-ya I wanted to say.. GREAT shots!!! wow!

I really "need" to get a better lens, ok well, maybe I just really "want" a better lens.. I'm saving!!!
take care!

Wendy said...

Great, now that song is stuck in my head . . "A milita-a--ry Fa-a-mi-leee". And the image of you and Aaron dancing to it at the cabin. Hee hee hee.
Cute pictures.

OggieDoggie said...

Wow! I can hardly believe it - a military family. It has led to come great careers - after retirement, but I never pictured that. We do all need to be more patriotic. This is a great country. We need to keep it that way for those darling children in these pictures and everywhere. We are proud of you guys and the sacrifices you make and the service you are giving.

OggieDoggie said...

Oh, I just want to say that even though it says Stanford, this is grandma talking. I use Dad's e-mail address. Those pictures make me want to see an air show.

Norris Fam said...

Holly (the best photographer I know) those pictures are AMAZING! I know those could NOT have been easy shots to get...nice job!