We had such a great time visiting the Ogden's in Salt Lake. We were nonstop the whole time we were there!
The week started with a reunion camping trip. I am so sad that I do not have any pictures of this event. We camped for 3 days and did some really fun things. The kids loved playing in the river, kayaking and paddle boating, campfires and night games, and just being with their cousins. Grandma Ogden went to a lot of work to plan this big event, and it was a success! The food was great, the activities were fun and we all left happy and tired.
We were so excited to be in Utah during the Oquirrh Mountain Temple dedication. My kids loved being able to go inside and see all of the rooms in the temple. The sealing room was especially meaningful because my sister Melanie would be getting married in a few weeks and so we could talk to our kids about that special room and what would happen in a few weeks when Melanie and Jeff were sealed. It was a very special occasion and I hope my kids remember it!
Enjoying some time at Grandma and Grandpa's house.

We went on a hike to Timpanogos Cave. It took us about an hour and a half to hike up to the cave and then we went on a tour through the caves. The kids did great hiking up. Noah was the leader and the first to make it to the top. Grace had fun hiking with her cousins Samantha and Jade and Lucy and cousin Emily held hands most of the way up.

Jake enjoyed the ride on Aaron's back and fell asleep on the way down.

Taking a quick break!

We took this group shot at the top just before going into the caves.
Emily and Lucy enjoying the view before heading down the mountain

We were lucky to be in Utah on the 24th of July for the pioneer day parade.

It was a really hot day and most of us moved off the pavement to the cool grass. But Grace and Aunt Kara stayed in their seats to enjoy the parade up close. (Aaron, Noah and Jake joined in for the picture!)

We took the kids to their very first drive-in movie. We saw Ice Age 3 and Night at the Museum 2. They loved it! Lucy fell asleep during the first movie, but Noah and Grace stayed awake the entire time. They loved sitting in the back of Grandpa's truck eating snacks and watching movies. Before going to the movie, we had dinner at Aaron's sister Krista's house. The kids played games in the back yard and we had some delicious food.
We were also able to spend a little time at Aaron's sister Kara's new house. We played games with Kara and Cory and loved seeing their new home.
The week went by so fast and we had so much fun. At the end of the week, Aaron flew back to Nebraska and the kids and I headed back to Idaho to get ready for the wedding!