Sunday, February 1, 2009


We had such a great time in Texas. Thanks to Jeff and Brenna for helping us out while we were there. Aaron was scheduled to get eye surgery and we were so excited to be able to visit family. Then I was put on crutches and I was so sad that I would not be off of them in time for our trip. So we went to Texas as a very needy family and Jeff and Brenna were so great. They took care of Lucy and Jake while Aaron and I spent many mornings in San Antonio. They even kept them overnight for us! They took us to some amazing restaurants and made us some delicious meals at home. Jeff had fun joking that we were like a bad joke about a blind man, a pregnant lady, and a woman on crutches. But we managed to have a great time despite our infirmities!

On Friday, before Aaron's surgery, we went to the Alamo in San Antonio.

On Saturday we went bowling. This has become a tradition every time we get together. Jackson and Lucy love it!

Jackson and Lucy were so happy to be together. We love any opportunity to see family! Thanks Jeff and Brenna for a great week.

We were sad to leave Noah and Grace at home, but they had a great time staying with our friends, the Tyrrell's. Thanks Jill for taking such good care of them while we were away!

1 comment:

Cabin grandma said...

I love seeing the cousins having so much fun together! It looks like so much fun! And you look great on your crutches. I don't think you have gained an ounce!