Thursday, February 26, 2009
Good News
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Can you see the big snowflakes?
This was Jake's first time in the snow and he really liked it.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Good Friends

Matt and Jamey were able to go to the temple while they were here and I had the great opportunity to watch their 3 sweet boys. We had a great time! Grace loved their youngest, Ridge, and was a big help.
We were able to enjoy some great weather and headed to the park for a picnic before saying goodbye. Lucy loved playing with Asher and Jay and my kids keep asking me "when are the Jeppson's coming again??!"
Maybe this will entice some of our other Iowa friends to come visit? I sure hope so!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Jake is 1!
Jake got this great spiderman costume from Grandma Ogden.
We had a princess and prince birthday party with Jake and Aubrey Tyrrell. They had thrones and crowns and they older kids had a great time helping them open presents. Jake was not a fan of his cake, except to throw it! He did not take one bite, he just threw it all over. So Jake.
Jake listening to Grandma Ogden sing Happy Birthday
Jake's new church clothes and penny loafers from Grandma Bird.
Happy Birthday Jake. We love you.
On Friday, before Aaron's surgery, we went to the Alamo in San Antonio.
We were sad to leave Noah and Grace at home, but they had a great time staying with our friends, the Tyrrell's. Thanks Jill for taking such good care of them while we were away!