Thursday, April 17, 2008

A Texas style!

Jake had his first roadtrip and he was so good! Our 15 hour drive to and from Austin Texas went well and we loved introducing Jake to his Uncle Jeff, Aunt Brenna and cousins Jackson & James. We were so busy and did so many fun things. Jake spent a lot of time in his carseat, stroller and front pack.
This is at the swimming pool...I wish I could nap poolside!

Noah took this picture outside of the Children's Museum.

We went to a great park in downtown Austin and Jake had his first train ride on the Zilker zephyr. The train ride came at a bad time as Jake was hungry! So feeding him on a little train squished next to Lucy and Noah proved to be quite interesting. But we survived.

2 brothers on a day this could be Trouble!


Jeppson Clan said...

Looks like you guys had quite the fun trip! Kudos to you nursing on a train! Jake and all your kids are just so cute!

Cabin grandma said...

cute picture. Noah looks old...jake looks big!

Wendy said...

Nice job feeding him on the train. A memorable experience I am sure! I love that last picture of your boys on the train. And the one Noah took of you and Jake is awesome too.