Thursday, July 29, 2010

Day 10

This morning we had some friends over for one last play date. I have had the opportunity to work with some amazing woman in our ward. I have loved serving with them and have learned so much from them. I will always appreciate their support and friendship. We were able to spend the morning visiting while the kids played.
Moving is hard.

We went to Mahoney State Park and spent the afternoon swimming. During the dinner break, we played at the park and had dinner. Then we headed back into the waterpark for the last 2 hours and had a great time in the wave pool, on the slides and the diving board. I was so busy trying to keep Jake from drowning, that I have no pictures of the water adventure. But we did have a few firsts; Lucy went off the diving board! and Jake learned how to swim under water. So fun.

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Cabin grandma said...

you are right. moving is hard. I'm glad you are sharing your last days there with friends! Nice job Lucy and Jake! I can't wait to see you all!

Crowntown said...

Wow! You've got so brave kids! I wish you were her to teach Brooklyn to swim!

Whitney said...

that looked like lots of fun!