Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Eleven Months

I started this 11 month update a month ago. It has been a busy month with lots to catch up on!
Jake has gotten really good at walking and does his best to keep up with the big kids.

At eleven months Jake started really enjoying reading books, and also began getting excited about animals! He giggles every time he sees a picture of an animal or a live one. So cute.

(notice Grace in the back of this picture. It is Christmas morning and she is so tired!)

The wagon has been a big hit. Jake sits in it and the kids push him around. They race down the hall as fast as they can and Jake loves the speed!!


Cabin grandma said...

I can't believe how old Jake looks. I wanna hug him!

Melanie Rae Gibson said...

I can't believe he's walking! So cute! I love the picture of Lucy and Jake with the wagon, and the one of Noah with Jake... so cute!