Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Young Apprentice

How to catch a turtle:

We Look

We spot one

Plan of Attack

Proceed with Caution

I don't know who was more proud, the master or the apprentice.

It was a critter catching weekend. Toads, frogs, snakes and turtles galore!

This was an enormous bullfrog! It was so gross. Noah would not hold this one. He did touch it, but would not hold it. I don't blame him.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

The weekend started off with the kids roasting hot dogs for dinner.
Throughout the weekend, the kids could be found doing any one of the following:

Bike Riding

Hiking (with hiking sticks found a long the way)

Relaxing in the hammock.

Catching snakes and other critters. (More to post on that later)

Swimming in the river.

Relaxing by the lake.


Hanging out with friends.

We all came home tired, dirty and sunburned. A successful camping trip!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Preschool Graduation

Lucy adores her teacher, Miss Katie.

This is Lucy telling everyone that her favorite thing about preschool was art.

Lucy made some great friends at preschool. She had a great year and is anxious to start Kindergarten!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Last Day of School!

Miss Reicks and Mrs. Brand have been great teachers!
The last day of school came quickly this year. I was able to go to the school and spend some time with them during their field day. It was a lot of fun. It is hard to admit that I now have a 2nd grader and 4th grader and a kindergartner!!

The new 3 legged race

They had some great games planned for the kids. Most of them involved water!

It has been a good year. And my kids are happy they get to go to the same school again next year!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Thursday, May 7, 2009


We had a great time camping last weekend. My kids absolutely LOVE to camp. So on Friday afternoon, we loaded up and went to our favorite camping spot, Two Rivers.

Jake was in heaven being outside for 2 days straight and even did great sleeping in the tent.

I just love Jake's camping flannel. Not the greatest picture, but he just looks like a little man!

We loved having the Tyrrell's camp with us. These kids are so fun and have a great time together.

Aaron and Rob took the kids fishing for a few hours while the babies slept and the moms relaxed.

Grace was excited about catching a fish and reeling it in. But she wanted nothing to do with it once it came out of the water!

Jake ate a turkey sandwich!!

We had some delicious food while camping. The Tyrrell's made us their favorite camping treat which consists of bananas sliced open and filled with chocolate and marshmallows and then wrapped up in foil and cooked over hot coals. They even brought ice cream to go on top! They were so good. The girls were helping get them ready and did a lot of taste testing!

My camera battery died before I was able to get pictures of all the fun things we did. So here is what I missed: 3 legged races, bike rides, bike rides and more bike rides!, snipe hunting, arm wrestling tournament, camp fires and Settlers, catching toads, playing in the dirt and sand, hikes, and sunburns.
A few great quotes from our sweet Lucy:
This was said to Aaron after he got sunburned, "Dad, you can go in the girl's bathroom because you're pink!"
"Camping is ALL about getting dirty."
The kids are begging to go again. I think this is going to be a regular weekend excursion for us.